Interview by Stuart Blythe
Photo Credit Maria de Vera
Firstly, congratulations on the release of your new album – Restless Years.
This is your first album in six years. How was the recording process, the people involved and seeing the release of the album?
Oh, well I met Mitch Cairns, Danny Spencer and Johnny Salerno on the Good Times tour last year. They were the backing band and I loved their feel so I asked them to be my studio band. Bill Risby already was my keyboard player, and was on the tour as well, so together they became the recording band. I already had demos I’d made of all the songs so we got together at Mitch’s studio in Melbourne after the tour last winter and put the basic album together. Then we did overdubs there and vocals and backing vocals at my own studio in Sydney. It was a pretty painless operation really (one of the easiest albums I’ve ever recorded) thanks to the talent of all the great singers and musicians I was working with. Now these guys are my live band too.
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