Tag Archives: Jaska Raatikainen

Interview with Jaska Raatikainen – Children of Bodom


Ahead of their “HALO of BLOOD” Over Australia 2014 east coast tour, Children of Bodom drummer Jaska Raatikainen took time out for a chat.

Now that ‘Halo of Blood’ has been released for some time how does the album sit with you, in the scheme of your back catalogue?

   Jaska: I think it is just normal and natural continuation for the band and sits just perfect to our back catalog. If thinking only music track by track there is maybe a little bigger variety between the songs on the new one. Meaning that we have perhaps the fastest and also the slowest ever song on the new release. And also a one very “rockish” song.

The album has a real clean, yet powerful sound, did the recording/production process for Halo of Blood differ from previous releases?
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