Urban Country Music festival – 29 April – 02 May 2011 [Festival News]

New Concert Series  

Friday Night Urban Blaze Concert – the Urban Blaze, formerly held on Sunday night, has moved to Friday night and will combine with the Burbs n Bush Concert. The format will be the same as Urban Blaze ie gold coin donation, byo alcohol, big bonfires and will still have the fireworks and rocking line up both events are famous for.  We’ve come up with a new name for this site ‘The Paddock’

Saturday Night Concert – the main concert will still happen on Saturday and will feature an international artist and Australian country legends. The concert has been moved from the Showgrounds to the Alexander Barr Sporting Complex (behind the Historical Village)
Saturday – 30 April 2011
•Joe Nichols
•James Reyne
•The McClymonts
•Jonah’s Road
•Luke Dickens
Tickets Available Here – Moshtix

Sunday Night Concert – a new ticketed concert will happen on Sunday night featuring a very exciting line up of main stream artists rather than just traditional country performers. (It’s hard to believe but not everyone likes just country music). This concert will also be held at Alexander Barr Sporting Complex
Sunday – 1 May 2011
•Thirsty Merc
•The Potbelleez
•Amy Meredith
•Sinead Burgess
Tickets Available Here – Moshtix

Town Square Moves to The Village 

Town Square – is moving due to construction taking place in the CBD. All Town Square stages and activities, Next Generation Station, Memorial Hall and Busking will move to The Village

The Village Precinct –The new festival hub is the Caboolture Historical Village on Beerburrum Road. This area will be referred to as ‘The Village’ and offers an atmospheric and extremely interesting new home for the festival

Changes to Village/Town Square Activities 

Grass Roots and Gospel – There will not be a dedicated Grass Roots and Gospel stage in 2011. But you won’t miss them as performers from this area will be performing on other stages in The Village over the weekend

Town Square Stage – is now called ‘The Village Stage’ and will still feature stella country artists

The Village Hotel – is a new area that will feature up and coming artists, buskers and local acts. It will also be the home of the Bush Balladeers on Saturday and Bluegrass Brunch on Sunday

Bush Balladeers – will move from Stanmore Hall and have a new home at the Village Hotel. The Balladeers will perform on Saturday and will now be free for everyone to enjoy

Beaut Ute Competition gets a New Home 

To bring all festival events to the same precinct, the Ute Competition will move from Centenary Lakes to the Main Arena at the Caboolture Showgrounds. It will still be held on Saturday at the usual time. The ute parade will no longer happen to avoid traffic congestion.

Urban Rodeo Makes Its Debut

The Urban Rodeo is finally making its debut at the festival this year. It joins the Friday night action at the Showgrounds and will be held in the Rodeo Stadium. Come and check out all the non-stop action and adrenaline. Adults $20. Child (5-12yrs) and Pensioners $12.

New Festival Events at the Showgrounds Precinct 

In addition to the  Urban Rodeo on Friday night, the following events will be held in the Showgrounds Precinct:

Locals @ Urban – Country music clubs from the Moreton Bay region will be entertaining patrons at The Dining Hall 

Urban Country Tribute Show – for those wishing not to attend the new Sunday Night Concert, a tribute show will be held in the Rodeo Stadium at the Showgrounds. The tribute will be for country legends Johnny Cash and Slim Dusty. A small $5 entry fee will be charged

Sunday Gospel – the Sunday gospel that was formerly held on Town Square stage will be held at ‘The Paddock’ (Urban Blaze site). It will now run from 10am to 4pm so that you can get your gospel fix

Traditional Country Showcase – held in CT Williams Hall, this is a free event that will feature excellent traditional country artists

Camping and Ticket Packages 

As in previous years, festival camping this year will be held at the Alexander Barr Sporting Complex and Showgrounds. Special concert and camping packages are a welcome addition in 2011 and offer great savings

It’s All Within a Stone’s Throw 

The relocation of festival venues means that everything is within walking distance of each other. The Showgrounds Precinct, Village Precinct, Alexander Barr Sporting Complex and camping are all located on Beerburrum Road. The free festival shuttle bus will still be running for those of you that don’t feel like walking or want to get to motels or into town

We’re Keeping All the Old Favourites 

Although it seems like we’re making a lot of changes this year, most of the festival is staying the same. All of your favourites will still be happening like:

Saturday Night Concert, Urban Blaze, Songwriters Café, Next Generation Station, Stockmans Arena, Bush Balladeers, Bush Poetry, New Zealand Showase, Line Dancing and Clogging, Voice of Urban Country Talent SearchBluegrass Brunch, Farewell Concert, Busking, Dustys Kids and Country Markets 


SUNDAY CONCERT TICKETS – 2011 Urban Country Music Festival – BUY TICKETS HERE

Visit www.urbancountry.com.au for more information and updates.