Interview: Billy Geary
We caught up with Cathedral guitarist Garry “Gaz” Jennings for a quick chat about Soundwave 2012 – the last shows they’ll be performing together…
LMM: It’s been confirmed that the Soundwave tour would be your last ever tour together. What was the reasoning behind making Soundwave Soundwave your last set of shows together?
Garry “Gaz” Jennings: The last ever show was supposed to be the London show but about 2 days after we announced the gig this offer came in which was to good to turn down so we accepted and then announced the London show as the last uk show.
LMM: Does anyone in the band plan on moving onto other musical projects after Cathedral finishes up, or is this completely it for you guys in terms of playing professionally?
GJ: I think we will all continue in some shape or form whether it’s doing it professional or for fun. Brian has a side project already and they do quite alot of gigs and Scott will still play with Repulsion. Lee has his label and I’m sure he may get involved in some projects along the way. As for myself I’ll probably continue to play the guitar for fun but will not join or form a band. I may do a solo project at some point. I have loads of ideas which have never been used but I’m to lazy to do anything with them.
LMM: What are you most looking forward to about doing Soundwave 2012?
GJ: Just getting over there and playing and enjoying the fact that it’s the last time we will play together.
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