There We Stand – Winter Street by showoffservices

Great things and monumental disasters often begin with words that run along lines like this, “I can’t promise that this will turn out well, but we’ll see”… Such words were spoken by Tom Iansek, guitarist/vocalist for Big Scary and erstwhile producer for Melbourne agents of devastatingly concise indie rock, Winter Street.

Congregating at Iansek’s garage-come-studio, Tim Jedwab (Vocals/Guitar), Ben Helps (Guitar/Vocals), Shane Williams (Bass/Vocals) and Liam Brady (Drums), holed themselves up for a week to commit their latest single ‘There We Stand’ to tape.

Despite unforeseen challenges such as having to track all the drums in a day due to a particularly angry tenant over the fence (and the resultant need for a rotating system of band members stationed at the door at all times to dissuade any angry knocking from said belligerent neighbour whilst recording). Added to that mix was a kick drum that required the remaining band members to lie on the floor to keep it in place during takes – not exactly ideal conditions for hit-producing prowess.

The resultant single proves yet again that, like diamonds, truly valuable things are born from intense pressure. ‘There We Stand’ is a calculated yet emotive slab of slicing guitar rock. All angular grind and tempered bombast ‘There We Stand’ is a phalanx of spring-loaded guitars intersected by Jedwab’s searing vocal. Infused with an addictive urgency that is sure to evoke comparisons to the best elements of both sides of the Atlantic, ‘There We Stand’ is as anthemic as it is approachable.

A natural progression from their previous efforts, 2008’s EP Pilots and 2009’s Three Thousand Sound. ‘There We Stand’ is a decisive and intriguing statement of intent.

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