The undisputed heavyweight champions of Prog Metal are celebrating 25 years of unequalled mastery of their craft with two very special performances in Sydney and Melbourne.
At a time when bands appear and disappear as quickly as twitter hashtags, it is a testament to Dream Theater to have created such a legacy which enables them to tour the world to sold out crowds for over two decades.
Being infrequent visitors to Australia, this is a rare chance for fans to experience a mouth watering and career defining set list that spans 25 years in well over 2.5 hours; with a production to match the grandeur of the songs and the splendour of the talent delivering them.
Dream Theater are John Petrucci (guitar), John Myung (bass), James LaBrie (vocals), Jordan Rudess (keyboard) and Mike Mangini (drums).
Tuesday 19th September, 2017
Hordern Pavilion, Sydney
Wednesday 20th September, 2017
Palais Theatre, Melbourne