Interview by Lauren Sherritt
Shortly after their stellar performance at the Gold Coast Big Day Out, Jess & Shea of Sydney two piece Toucan sat down with our Lauren Sherritt (LS) for a quick chat.
Lauren Sherritt: Shea and Jess, you’ve kind of got gender ambiguous names! Do people have to check who is who?
Shea: They do!
Jess: People have to check sometimes.
For readers, Jess is our lovely lady and Shea the handsome gent.
LS: So, how’s Big Day Out going for Toucan so far?
Jess: Really, really good! We’re having the best time, we’ve had good crowds and it’s such an exciting thing to be a part of. Obviously being able to mix with the other musicians is a big part of it for us, just being able to be around and talk to all these other great bands. Also touring with the festival and playing around the country in different cities is a great opportunity.
LS: Is there anyone you have really enjoyed seeing so far?
Continue reading Interview with Jess & Shea – Toucan