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Augie March – Watch Me Disappear – Album Release

Available from Augie March - Watch Me Disappear

There’s little about Augie March that could be called everyday. With singer Glenn Richards’ distinctive voice, his sharp, literary lyrics and the band’s off-kilter rock ‘n’ roll, the Melbourne band has created a niche for itself in the past 12 years, one that has brought multiple awards, taken it around the world and attracted an ever-increasing and loyal fan-base in Australia and beyond.

The world Richards has created for Augie March’s fourth album, Watch Me Disappear, is certainly not everyday. Barbarians have breached its walls and are wallowing in the chaos. Muggers mug, killers kill, dragons with bulldog heads inhabit the pubs and a wealth of richly-drawn characters trade punches, kisses and everything in between. It’s a place of extraordinary beauty too, a beauty that offers escape from the evil, from the anarchy — from the everyday.
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