Northcote Independent Fashion Festival Announces NIFFTY Lineup!

  Northcote Independent Fashion Festival announces this years stellar line up for their annual premier event NIFFTY. To be held on Friday November 18th at the Northcote Social Club, the event will be a celebration of fashion as an accessible and essential mode of self expression. NIFFTY reveals the best of High Street Northcote’s fashion in a unique showcase, where the clothes are flaunted by many of Melbourne’s finest musicians.

In a special one night only show, eleven separate acts will perform styled in clothes that can be found (and bought at discounted prices) from High Street stores. Each performer will be styled by NIFFTY coordinator and fashion stylist Solange Mardones.

Working in various roles as a stylist, boutique manager, sales/brand manager and consultant within the Australian fashion industry for the last 6 years, Mardones has earned her fashon stripes. “There is something uniquely ours about the fashion Melbourne produces. I’ve been to Paris, London and New York and would still say that Australia and in particular Melbourne produces some of the most interesting and beautiful independent fashion in the world.”

The relationship between fashion and other creative industries is of a significant interest to Mardones, particularly the relationship between fashion and music. Mardones sees the relationship as a long-standing love affair of continual evolution and inspiration. “The music and fashion industries have always fed in and out of each other and musicians have always inspired our fashion in the same way that fashion inspires our musical tastes, this relationship fascinates me.” At this years NIFFTY event, Mardones will bring together the eclectic mix of designs found on High Street Northcote, and local inspiring artists, curating them into one thoughtful show with many different styles.

Headlining the event will be Melbounre songstress Gossling, accompanied by notorious Melbourne musos; Andrew Cox of The Fauves, Georgia Fields, Jen Cloher, Angie Hart, The Wolfgramm Sisters, Duke Batavia (Ben Birchall) and more. The all star NIFFTY house band features Pete Luscombe (RockWiz & Paul Kelly’s Band), Ash Naylor (Even), Dan Luscombe (The Drones) and Bill McDonald (Paul Kelly’s Band). Melbourne media personality Clem Bastow will host the night.

Tickets on sale now, $18+ booking fee, from The Corner Hotel Box Office ph 03 9427 9198 or online at Be sure to get your tickets early.

Friday November 18th at Northcote Social Club, doors 8.30pm music starts at 9.00pm

Gossling, Georgia Fields, Andrew Cox (The Fauves), Jen Cloher, The Wolfgramm Sisters, Angie Hart, Tracy McNeil, Jessica Says, The Barebones, Sweet Jean (Sime Nugent), Duke Batavia (Ben Birchall), Plus Sean M Whelan
DJs from, 11.30pm onwards