My Fender American Standard is from 2011 and was my first electric. This Guitar has encompassed my playing journey throughout my life.

The finish is Sienna Sunburst which lets the beautiful Ash wood shine through paired with a Maple Fretboard.

The Strat couples well with the FullTone OCD (Distortion Pedal). Other holy grail pedals include (In order of photo Right to Left) the TC Electronic Tuner, Xotic Effects EP Clean Booster, TC Electronic Flashback Delay (with multiple delay presets to work with), MXR Chorus, MXR Carbon Copy (Analog Delay), GFI System’s Skylar Reverb (for those long/decayed creative reverb sounds) and of course for psychedelic moments a Dunlop Cry Baby Wah. The board is simple yet intentionally crafted.
I recently acquired a new effects toy, the Line 6 Helix Stomp XL. It’s a multi effects unit that simulates Guitar Amps and Pedals. It’s dialled in for my Live Show where I can automate the Pedal to change presets with my Track. It’s been game changing to my live setup as I can focus on connecting with the crowd and playing face-melting solos! I recreated the pedal presets to sound exactly like the Guitar tones on the EP.

My other main Guitar is the Strandberg Salen Jazz, they look aesthetically the opposite of a Jazz Guitar! A Semi Hollow with a Mahogany Body and Rosewood Fretboard, it’s pictured in the colour Burgundy. This Guitar is perfect for my style of playing Jazzy/Blues lines. Not only can it express beautiful, rich cleans, it’s versatile to cut through aggressive Guitar lead tones. The best part is the Guitar fits carry-on on a flight and it’s super light weight which means I can jump around and command the stage! Having a compact and efficient setup is important to me.