Tag Archives: “Timothy Constable”

Taikoz – The Gathering @ Brisbane Powerhouse, 28-30 October 2008

Taikoz – The Gathering @ Brisbane Powerhouse, 28-30 October 2008
Brisbane Powerhouse presents The Gathering – TaikOz

Described by The Sydney Morning Herald as ‘bold and original’, TaikOz is Australia’s most energetic and exciting taiko drumming group. From 28 – 30 October 2008, Brisbane audiences will have the chance to experience their compelling performances when TaikOz tours The Gathering to Brisbane Powerhouse.

The Gathering is an unforgettable concert experience. The powerful and thundering sound of taiko drumming is counter-balanced with the beautiful, ethereal tones of the shakuhachi bamboo flute. Featuring performances by shakuhachi Grand Master Riley Lee and guest percussionist Timothy Constable, the result is a synthesis of east and west, old and new.

Since its formation in 1997, TaikOz has become Australia’s most exciting and energetic taiko drumming ensemble, attracting devoted audiences across the country and around the world. While observing ancient practices, the Japanese art form of taiko is given a uniquely Australian interpretation with muscular choreography, hypnotic compositions and delicate musicality. Continue reading Taikoz – The Gathering @ Brisbane Powerhouse, 28-30 October 2008