Anberin, The Academy Is, Werewolves @ Hi-Fi Brisbane – 27 August 2009
Review by: Hannah Collins
On arrival at the venue, the long line of youths, streaming well down the road stands out like a sore thumb. Doors open sharply at 8 and upon wandering into the venue through a narrow side street entrance, sounds of the first act Werewolves, bellow down the stairs. On entry into the main viewing area, it’s notable that the crowds are still streaming in, an array of indie pop rock lovers complimentary to the line up of the evening. The atmosphere was positive, with most onlookers standing patiently in a favored spot, making sure they secure a position to get the possible best view of Bands to come.
The venue was perfect. Clean, new and open, with clear viewing of the main stage from both sides, rear bar and upper balcony. Well suited, dim but clear lighting made it easier for all to navigate through the flurry on the main floor.