All zombie lookalikes, dancers, non-dancers & fans of Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” in Brisbane to take part in an epic world-wide simultaneous dance event! Currently we have a few dozen people, but we’re looking for a few hundred to learn and perform the dance, and raise awareness and money for Camp Quality!
Thrill The World. People of all ages from around the globe are learning the steps to Thriller, and are finding it surprisingly easy and fun to learn! This will be the first time Thrill The World has taken place in Australia – (take THAT Melbourne & Sydney!)
RIGHT NOW- Participants need to register ASAP, but there is still plenty of time to learn the dance and be part of it. By visiting our myspace (www.myspace.com/ttw08brisbane), people can contact us for registration information. The page also has Youtube links to the dance steps, which are demonstrated and explained in very basic terms. The videos feature worldwide organiser, Ines Markeljevic, who started the event in Toronto in 2006. Final performance on the weekend of October 25th, but practice starts now! Participation in the event is free.
Organised practice sessions will be held soon at the Brisbane Powerhouse, though the steps can be learned anywhere you have some space in front of an internet enabled computer.
§ To give the “Thriller” dance to anyone who has ever wanted to learn it
§ To utilise the internet to foster the creation of an international community of leaders, fans and dance enthusiasts
§ To inspire others to pursue their dreams
§ To show that ANYONE can dance!
§ To raise funds and awareness for Camp Quality